
Showing posts from November, 2017

Kamlesh's Story : The 13-year-old Kid Addicted To Drugs

The kid in the photograph above is Kamlesh , a 13-year-old drug addict. But you might probably recognize him as the ' Solution ' or ' Soluchan ' kid as popularized by memes and viral parody videos. Such memes and parody videos are regularly shared on my WhatsApp groups and it bothers me greatly when people post, share and have a laugh while reading these memes and watching these videos without even having the slightest decency or concern to look up the story behind them. Social media and this culture of memifying each and everything are increasingly leading to feelings of insensitivity , hollowness and the loss of empathy where people are ready to post insensitive memes and remix music videos of Kamlesh's interview to get some attention, views, likes, and shares on YouTube and social media.  Kamlesh's Story Kamlesh, now an internet sensation for the wrong reasons, is a 13-year-old drug addicted boy. He ran away from his hometown Bh...

The Importance Of Sex Education In India

' Sex ' the word itself gives a feeling of awkwardness, shame, discomfort and stigma when you talk about it in public or write a post about it while sitting in your room. Now, how does this three lettered word create so much discomfort and awkwardness when in fact it is one of the most important parts of our lives and the reason for our existence. Let's try to figure that out: Parents, Society And The Education System   Parents and the society attach a feeling of stigma and shame with sex. This narrow-minded thinking creates a barrier of discomfort about talking on the topic, as most Indian parents refrain from answering their child's questions on sex and try to avoid the topic. So, naturally their kids turn to their friends , who themselves have limited knowledge on the subject, and pornography to seek their answers which exposes them to the world of adult content, which most of the times provides them with inaccurate knowledge and creates an extremely ...